Plenty of great Scout Fellowship fun
Members of the Old Scotch Scout Fellowship enjoyed a recent opportunity for some indoor rock climbing. Some of them were rock climbing for the very first time, and found that it was an ideal way to overcome their fear of heights. Everybody who took part had great fun. Several fellowship members attended the family day at the Scotch Scout camp in September, and saw how the Elliott Lodge property has changed since the Black Saturday bushfires. They also saw how … Read More
Remembering the Overland Track
Eight members of a group of senior Scouts who walked Tasmania’s Overland Track 50 years ago got together recently to reminisce, look at slides, and marvel how quickly half a century had passed since the mountain-hopping days of their youth. The Scouts had first walked the track in the summer of 1954/55, and they did it again in 1956/57, 1958/59 and 1960/61. There were other trips to the region after that, but these four trips were all tackled by large … Read More
Big year for Rovers
WORDS: MR ERIC WILSON – ROVER CREW LEADER The Old Scotch Rover Crew had another big year, which included enjoying a social calendar full of excitement, productivity, laughter, and downright muddy fun. The year also included the formation of new Scouting districts. The crew kick-started the calendar with the annual Surfmoot held at Anglesea. This camp is held every year over the Australia Day weekend, and crews from across the state and the nation get together for a few days … Read More
Rovers pitch in to help with bushfire relief
The 1st Hawthorn Scout Group has been affected by the Victorian bushfires, with the Elliott Lodge property having had a number of buildings damaged and destroyed by the fire. With repairs and work on Elliott Lodge unable to go ahead till the risk of fires dies down, the Old Scotch Collegians Rover Crew has given up their time to help in some small way towards bushfire relief. Over several weekends, members of the crew volunteered their time at the Salvation … Read More
Full steam ahead in a fun Rover year
The word is getting out about the Scotch Rover Crew and the fun times it’s enjoying. The crew now has 23 members, more than double its size at the same time last year. It has been a very busy time for the crew. Last December we decided that our new executive committee would again be led by Euan Anderson (’01), with one of the newer members, Rob Haylock, as assistant crew leader – a great leadership duo. The Rovers enjoyed … Read More
Old Scotch Club Rovers
The Old Scotch Rover crew has had a very busy year. There have been quite a few older members booted/socked from the crew, and there has been a great many new members join the crew. It seems as though the crew is having a fresh start with new people and an extended Den, and we are extremely fortunate that we have been able to obtain this extension to accommodate the growth of the crew. It is here we would like … Read More
Summertime, and the Roving is easy
The Scotch Rover Crew celebrated the end of the ski season by heading out for some cross-country action at Mt Stirling, in a day just made for shorts and T-shirts. The snow was fast receding, and it was a fair hike to the snowline. Once on skis the summit beckoned, until we found the view obscured as the weather rolled in. We piled on coats and overpants, and carved up the pristine slopes off the summit for the remainder of … Read More
Action Packed Winter
The Old Scotch Rovers have had an action packed winter, with several trips to the snow and numerous other activities. We have also recently had Mudbash, which unfortunately only a few members were able to attend due to exams, but a great time was had by all who went. There has also been MARB, (Metropolitan Area Rover Ball) which an impressive 14 members of the crew participated in, all having an awesome night, and meeting quite a few rovers from … Read More
Rovers and Venturers are off and racing
The Old Scotch Rovers are off to an action-packed start for 2004. Already we have had some great combined nights with the Venturer Unit, building and racing billy karts. With Rover Katherine McDonald joining Venturer leaders Phil Schneider (’94), Andrew ‘Snapper’ McKeon (’92) and Rob Evans, we look forward to many more joint activities with the Unit as it reaches a new high with more than 20 members, including girls. 2003 saw the Old Scotch Rovers crew spending plenty of … Read More
Rovers take on new challenges
The Old Scotch Rover Crew has had an extremely active, creative and instructive time over the last few months. We began the year with a trip to Rosebud which included horse-riding, go-karting, kite-flying, lazing on the beach and some thought-provoking games to get to know one another. Our trip for the end of this year is already in the planning stages – a week in the Blue Mountains where we will be rock-climbing, canyoning, liloing, canoeing and hiking. We spent … Read More