Keppel Lookout Hike and Car Working Bee
The crew arrived at the Lodge late on Saturday morning and tidied up the woodbox, before cooking hotdogs for lunch. There was an ant infestation in the pantry, with multiple open sugar packets being attacked with vigour. We disposed of all the open sugar packets that weren’t in Tupperware containers and wiped down the pantry to remove any loose sugar granules. After lunch we went across to the bowling green and took our bash car, Whisky Business, out of the … Read More
Whisky Business Working Bee
The crew headed up to Elliott Lodge this weekend to start working on Whisky Business, our new Mudbash car. We started out by removing some of the excess weight in the car, such as the rear seats, rear seatbelts and boot trim. After disconnecting the battery, we removed the rear speakers and then attempted to remove the amplifier, however were soon stumped, with no clear method of removal visible. We snuck back to the Lodge to quickly YouTube ‘how to … Read More
Sweltering at Surfmoot
Monday Looking at the forecast, we knew this Surfmoot was going to be a scorcher, so we brought along containers to freeze large blocks of ice to keep our food and drinks cold for the entire weekend. We planned our menu and checked over the gear we would be taking before finishing the night by organising car pooling and making sure every question was answered. Friday Sitting at home I listened to John Faine talk about how today was going … Read More
Refreshed Crew Executive and Officers
Congratulations to the new crew executive who were elected into office at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 12th November 2018. They will hold office until the next AGM in 2019.
Reflection on 100 years of Rovers
Rovers, a scouting section targeted at young adults aged between 18 and 26, is celebrating 100 years since the very first Rover Crew was formed and as such, we have been reflecting on the history of our movement and our group on this significant occasion. The Old Scotch Collegians Rover Crew was itself formed in June 1931 and has been meeting continuously ever since, this year we celebrated our 87th birthday with cake in the Rover crew’s den. Part of … Read More
Christie Cross Award
Last night we had our annual crew awards night, the Christie Cross, which is awarded for “Outstanding Excellence and Superior Imperfection as a Rover Scout”. After tallying up all 31 rounds of voting from the 8 present members and 2 sets of proxy votes, the results were very close between Nick P, Chris B and Michael Y. We are proud to announce the winner of the 2018 Christie Cross as Nick Pike! Due to currently being at Agoonoree in Queensland, Nick … Read More
Giving back at Scout Camp
Service and Rovers go hand in hand, with our supporting community working to everyone’s benefit. This past weekend we visited our scout section on their annual main camp and had a really awesome time. Arriving on Friday night, we were greeted by scouts cooking dinner on their campfires and set up our own quarters for the night nearby. Saturday morning we were joined by some more Rovers and helped teach the scouts some new knots and used those knots to … Read More
Scotch Family Day
Old Scotch Rover Crew helped 1st Hawthorn Scout Group man our Dim Sum and Information stall at Scotch College’s Family Day. Once again, the Dim Sum provided a vary popular hot food option to those attending and we came very close to completely selling out! Thank you to everyone who came by for a chat or bought some food.
Scotch College Family Day 15th September – Dim Sum & Info Stall
We’re back at Scotch College’s Family Day, so come on down, buy some food to support our scout group and have a chat about what we’ve been up to! Date: 15th September, 2018 Time: all day, starting 09:00 and finishing by 15:00 (or when we sell out) This year we’re bringing together our information stall and our Dim Sum stand, so you can find us even more easily. We’re in stall 20, located at the south west end of Old … Read More
Bogong Snow Fun Day
The crew had a blast at Lake Mountain Alpine Resort on Saturday as we hit up the cross-country ski trails with Rovers from around the state. To avoid a rather early start, we made use of our property in Healesville, Elliott Lodge, to split the drive into two more manageable sections. Emerging from the car, it was clear that the overnight rain/snow forecast had swung more into the rain spectrum, visibility was slightly affected by fog and exposed sections of … Read More