Any large camping trip involves prior organisation, so we met up last Monday at the den to arrange transportation, plan our menu, organise our gear ready to be packed and shop for the bulk of the food. Mudbash would be our first chance to try out some new gear; an updated LED lighting system and a large chef pan. We decided to meet up on Wednesday night to pre-cook our main meals for the camp, which minimises effort and time spent cooking at the camp itself.
On Wednesday we made up a big batch of ANZAC busicuits to snack on, cooked pumpkin soup and pre-cut the onions for our other meals, before packing them into zip lock bags for convenient storage in our esky.

Friday we met up early at the scout hall to pack the trailer full of gear. We convoyed to Healesville where we had lunch, before traveling on to Mafeking. Nick had to get up there early to assist setting up the IT system at the gate, so we had to press on quickly after lunch.
Over the course of the long weekend we challenged ourselves with a variety of activities. These included riding BMX bikes on the Murray Midlands Region Rovers BMX Track, which was established in 2000. The course had a few challenging bumps and turns, however we managed to safely navigate our way through them and went back to the top for a few more goes.

We also participated in archery, having a few turns shooting arrows at the targets and occasionally we had to find the arrows in the bush behind the targets… However our aim wasn’t always quite so bad, we did eventually start to hit the targets!

Additionally we caught up with old friends at the open day, played connect four mini-golf (which turned out to be a really tough challenge), hiked up Mt Quafftumbla, abseiled down a stack of shipping containers, watched the car racing and car obstacle course challenge and danced late into the night.
The crew had a great time at Mudbash and are now resting up for our next adventure. Our new lights and frying pan both worked really well and we’ve got some new ideas to further improve our camping set up for next year. Which brings us back to the challenge of finishing up the work on our new bash car, Whisky Business, so that we can race it at Mudbash next year!