This year our scout group was given the opportunity to run a Federal Election Fundraising BBQ, selling the so called “democracy sausages” to our local electorate of Kooyong.
We liaised with the rest of our scout group to work out our guesstimated quantity of sausages and drinks to buy and chatted with the church about setting up a tea and coffee stand next to us. We worked out a roster for shifts across the group throughout the day and moved all the gear needed into the Q-Store, so that we wouldn’t bother the AEC workers as they were preparing to allow people in to vote.
On the day we did a Woolworth’s run to pick up the ordered sausages and bread and any other last minute items, then road tripped to the hall to set up. Once at the hall we put up a Marquee to give us some presence and give up some shade, loaded the sausages and drinks into their respective Esky’s with ice to keep them cold and put up our signage.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by throughout the day, including the our (now re-elected) Local Member for Kooyong, to grab some sausages! Thanks also to the crew and the rest of the scout group for helping run a successful fundraiser!
We found that most people came through in the morning, given school sports were running nearby, and a lot of people were keen to get on with their days after casting their vote. We overestimated how many soft drinks were needed, however these can be used at the Bunning’s Fundraising BBQ we have coming up!